Weekly Progress Report BTCBank 2018/9/24–2018/9/28

1.Project Progress

Development progress
1. Add India language into Background article management system
(background article management system improves India language, makes it more precise and makes content more detailed).
2. Integrated transaction mining code test deployment
(the current transaction mining code has been successfully deployed, and the BTCBank platform has been supporting mining).
3. Test various functional user transaction processes and automate the transaction process.
(at present, we optimize the website’s concurrency and fully implement automated transactions).
4. Added English, Indonesian, Vietnamese into IOS download interface
(adding English version, Indonesia version, Vietnam version to supports multinational download)
1. Tuning Contract trading block test
(contract transaction plate code update, new debugging, make the plate more stable)
2. Function testing
(to test all functional pages of BTCBank, iteratively improve)
3. Transaction process, interface editing, on-line new functions
(for transaction flow optimization and interface consolidation, user feedback and market add new functions.
4. Malaysia BTCBank.sg version overall improvement and optimization
(to adjust the exchange page of Malaysia on line with BTCBank)

2.Weekly Development

Since the opening of the BTCBank Vietnam on September 10, 2018, Vietnamese currency users have reacted very strongly, and the masses have responded. Many platforms have not supported the recharge of the Vietnamese Dong before, so users can only pass through the off-site or so-called black market. This has increased the user’s handling fees, which is also become disadvantage for the Vietnamese people. Since BTCBank Vietnam go online, it has directly solved the problem of Vietnamese currency users which is increasing the handling costs for the conversion of Vietnamese Dong. Now Vietnamese users can directly use BTCBank.vn, Vietnamese official website to directly convert Vietnamese Dong. BTCBank got the praise from Vietnamese users in just 12 days after they go online.
In addition, we celebrated on September 18, 2018 when BTCBank Vietnam starts their trading activities, with the event called “BTCBank Huge Bonuses and Prizes!”
Invite you to get Rolex, iPhone XS Max and BTC. BTCBank Vietnam’s total transaction volume has reached 80 million US dollars, shows that Vietnamese people’s response to BTCBank so strongly. Solving the problem of Vietnamese currency trading, is only a small step for our company. The Vietnamese people’s affirmation for our future has laid a solid foundation for us.

At present, Indonesia held the event of Asia paralyzed Games where Indonesia is the host for paralyzed athlete to compete. This is a very big event and we want to celebrate this by continuing our own event. Please refer to our website: https://www.btcbank.id/news/help?categoryId=109&id=280
The rules are as follows:
October 1, 2018 00:00 to October 07, 2018 24:00
User online transaction on BTCBank will calculate cumulatively and we will list the ranking from the highest transaction value. (this activity is calculated synchronously with Vietnam’s transaction network data).
• First place: Lamborghini’s worth 50 thousand yuan for one month use
• №2–3: iPhone XS MAX 1.
• №4–5: iPad 128G 1.
• Number 6–10: Airpods Bluetooth wireless headset 1.
• Number 11–50: Xiaomi Band 1
• Number 51–200: give 30000BT
• Number 201–1000: give 100000BT
• The Lamborghini Prize must be received by the Lamborghini Prize recipient himself. The recipient’s place is Nanjing, and one month after the event is over, if he is not present, considered to be abandoned.
• All the other prizes are distributed within 15 working days. Winners of the prize in kindly ask to follow our Facebook Official Account [BTCBank.id]. You can contact us to ask about the event.
• The ultimate right of interpretation belongs to BTCBank

3.Market Development

Since Vietnam platform launched on September 20, 2018, the total trading volume of Vietnamese Dong has reached 80 million in 10 days, and the total trading volume is still breaking up. The total trading volume is expected to exceed 100 million on October 02, 2018.
The core competitiveness of all exchanges is security and user experience. In mid-August, we have started a comprehensive upgrade of security and user experience. This is the reason why many users choose BTCBank.
We are BTCBank
BTCBank is commited to building the most prestigious and safe South-Eas Asia and Middle East digital asset trading platfrom

We will keep improving
